The Jungle: A Quick Read edition
Quick Read
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The Jungle: A Quick Read edition

Quick Read

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782385820220
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
    • Fichier Mobipocket, libre d'utilisation
    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne
Discover a new way to read classics with Quick Read.
This Quick Read edition includes both the full text and a summary for each
\- Reading time of the complete text: about 14 hours
\- Reading time of the summarized text: 24 minutes

"The Jungle" is a fictional novel written by Upton Sinclair, an American
muckraker author, in the early 20th century. The book exposes the corruption
in government and business, particularly in the meatpacking industry. Sinclair
spent seven weeks working incognito in the Chicago stockyards to gather
information for the novel. The story follows Jurgis Rudkus, a Lithuanian
immigrant, and his struggles to support his family in Chicago. The novel
depicts the harsh living and working conditions, poverty, and lack of social
support experienced by the working class. It also highlights health violations
and unsanitary practices in the meatpacking industry, leading to public outcry
and sanitation reforms. Despite facing numerous hardships, Jurgis eventually
becomes involved in crime and later embraces socialism. "The Jungle" had a
significant impact on food safety regulations and remains a powerful critique
of the capitalist system.
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